But who is Shannon Cain???
I am a dreamer. The kind that has a dream, and then works so hard to find success. My mom always told me that I could be anything I wanted to be when I grew up. And the thing is, I [still] truly believe her.
I am a cheerleader. Despite actually being a cheerleader while I was growing up, I’m talking about the kind of cheerleader that wants success for everyone around me. That wants everyone to feel joy. Cheers you on in your own journey and believes in you.
I am an explorer. I am happiest when I’m out in nature…in grand places. Places of solitude, where it’s just you, the wind, and the sounds of animals. Places you can get lost…and simultaneously, find yourself. There really is no happier place for me than exploring with my little family.
I am loyal. My favorite thing to do is be with the people that I love, laughing. My family. My friends. My people.
They mean everything to me.
I am a chameleon. I have a way of picking up on what version of me you need in the moment. If you need me to be quiet and just sit with you, I know when to be there for comfort. If you need me to cheer you up, I know when I should bust out my goofy antics. Any part of me you receive will be 100% authentic. Being fake is not something I do well.
I am unapologetically me, at all times. Whatever that means. Maybe these photos will do a better job of showing a very small snippet of who I am.
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